Biopolis Dresden Imaging Platform

Expert seminar on microscope objectives

May 15, 2019: Ever wanted to know how an objective is being built?

Objective cut in half 2

Have you ever wondered how a typically rather small but yet very complex and powerful piece of equipment such as a microscope objective is actually being built?

You will have the unique opportunity to exactly learn about that as Dr. Michael Zölffl, the expert on all objective related issues at Zeiss will visit BioDIP.


Therefore we cordially invite you to come and listen to his talk and simply be amazed by:

"The Art and Craftsmenship of making a Carl Zeiss microscope objective"

Speaker:              Michael Zölffl (Product and Application Specialist Sales, Academia at Zeiss)


Date:                     Wednesday, 15.05.


Time:                    11 am


Place:                    MPI-CBG (small auditorium)